1. Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the guide for meetings.
2. Interpretation: Any pronoun in the by-laws refers to feminine and masculine.
3. Duties of Officers:
a) The President conducts the regular club meetings and is ex-officio, a member of all committees. He/She calls the meetings of the Executive Committee when necessary, and will appoint sub-committees as required. When a vacancy occurs on the Executive Committee, the president shall appoint a suitable person in the club to complete the term of office.
b) The Vice-President assumes the duties of the President in the absence of the President.
c) The Secretary keeps records of all meetings of the Club and the Executive Committee; also conducts official correspondence.
d) The Treasurer keeps a true account of all financial transactions, and deposits all funds in a local banking facility; also presents an Annual Report, and keeps an up-to-date membership list.
e) The Past President shall be a member of the Executive Committee.
4. A Nominating Committee of 3 members shall be appointed at least four (4) weeks prior to the Annual Meeting. The Committee will produce a list of nominees for the Annual Meeting, will ask for nominations from the floor, and will conduct the elections. At the conclusion of the business meeting, the outgoing President shall turn the gavel over to the new President, and shall convene a short meeting of the old and new Executive to arrange for orderly transfer of signing authority, documents and any other appropriate business
5. A ‘Quorum’ shall consist of 50% of paid up members or a minimum of 50 members.
6. Annual Dues
a) Yearly dues are payable by October 31st each year for existing members to remain in good standing.
b) Honorary members are exempt from paying dues.
7. Consideration for all charitable donation proposals each year will be decided by a majority vote of the Executive /Committee Head Group at the May Executive Committee meeting. Proposals for donations will be sent, in writing, to the Secretary prior to the May Executive/Committee meeting which is held the second Tuesday of each month. Those donations approved by the executive/Committee Head Group will be voted on for final approval by the membership at the annual General Meeting. Criteria for consideration for any charitable donation will be the Club's ability to pay and the nature of the organization requesting donations with preference given to gardening-related requests.
8. The fiscal year shall commence on June 1st and end May 31st of the following year.
Mill Bay Garden Club
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